Course details

Early bird discount | 10% off all courses, available only to customers who start eating by 5:30pm

Early bird discount | 10% off all courses, available only to customers who start eating by 5:30pm

5,832 yen(Tax included)

  • 1persons-
  • All-you-can-drink available
    ◆Drink menu: Over 80 items, 120-minute limit (last order 30 minutes before closing) *Apart from the all-you-can-drink plan, we also have a variety of branded wines available.*Original cocktails can also be created.

■■■【Early Bird】Until 5:30pm■■■Limited to customers who start eating■■■10% OFF all courses■■■Available upon request at the time of reservation■■■You may choose either 【Shabu-shabu】 or 【Sukiyaki】.[Shabu-shabu] → Shabu-shabu served with homemade soup stock / [Sukiyaki] → Luxurious sukiyaki that makes the most of the umami of domestically produced Wagyu beef and adds the flavor of bonito stock to the sweetness

Course menu


◆Additional Information◆

*The above plan prices are examples of when you select Hikari A Course.

★★Name of the course you would like to use when making your reservation★★

Please fill in the following information.


All-you-can-drink menu

・Draft beer "Suntory Premium Malt's -Fragrant Ale-" / All Free (non-alcoholic)
Japanese sake ★
・Today's rare limited edition sake/Shimeharitsuru Yuki Special Honjozo/Kido KID Junmai sake/Houou Bita Junmai Daiginjo Yamada Nishiki/Dassai Maki 45 Junmai Daiginjo/Hidakami Junmai Ginjo Yasuke/Suigei Junmai Daiginjo/◇Sparkling sake◇Mio Sparkling
・★Whiskey {Various brands and mixing methods available}★
・◆Whiskey◆Bourbon◆Kaku/Maker's Mark◆Scotch◆Ballantine's Finest◆World Whisky Ao◆Chita◆ *Please choose from on the rocks, with water or with soda.
· ★ High Ball ★
・Kaku Highball/Cola Highball/Ginger Highball/Bourbon Highball/Scotch Highball/Maker's Mark Highball
· Shochu ★
・◆Sweet potato shochu◆Isami/Kiroku/Tominohouzan/Yamaneko/Akatoba ◆Barley shochu◆Nakana/Kanehachi ◆Rice shochu◆Torikai
・ ◇ Wine ◇
・◆Sparkling wine◆Red wine by the glass◆White wine by the glass◆*We also have branded bottled wine available for an additional fee.
・◇Plum wine and fruit wine《Popular with women》◇
・◆Ripe plum wine◆Strained plum wine◆Strained mandarin wine◆Strained peach wine◆Cloudy fruit wine◆Ho-o Bita Yuzu Wine◆ *Please choose from on the rocks, with water, or with soda.
・Chuhai/Lemon sour/Yuzu honey sour/Today's vinegar sour/Oolong highball/Green tea highball/Jasmine highball
・◆Cassis◆【Cassis Orange/Cassis Grape/Cassis Oolong/Cassis Soda】 ◆Peach◆【Peach Orange/Peach Grape/Peach Oolong/Peach Soda】
・◆Roku GIN◆Vodka◆
・ ◇ Soft drink ◇
・Oolong tea/Green tea/Jasmine tea/Today's vinegar/Orange juice/Grapefruit juice/Pineapple juice/Coca-Cola/Ginger ale/Calpis water/Calpis soda
Reservation reception time
Available days for reservation
Monday to Sunday, holidays, days before holidays
Length of stay
2 hours
Reservation deadline
Until 21:00 on the day of your visit

2024/09/04 update